At Greenlit we use mapping to take extensive raw emission factors, and then map them into a structure that is more applicable to the application.
This means that when you setup an App with us, you can either tailor your App to work with one of your established maps, or we will need to work with you to create a map that reflects your App's requirements.
A map is structured like a tree, where each level has sub-levels.
Our raw emission factors have 5 levels, but we use 4 levels in creating the maps as realised that the 5th level became superfluous as we refined the criteria for a specific application.
Map Records
Each record is returned with a lookup with the details for the associated map_record .
You can see which map your App is using in the map_used field through calling the app_details function.
Emissions Factors
Raw emissions have four associated factors:
It is possible for us to also provide you with other emissions, such as refrigerants, but these factors are rarely used by Greenlit users.
All emissions factors are provided in parts per kilogram, this means if you would like to get per tonne then you will need to divide them by 1000.
Using the Emission Factors
To use the emission factors, you will need to multiply them against the record's values.
Here is a basic formula for use:
record_value * ( record_value_multiplier ?: 1 ) * co2e = total_co2e
Note the "if null" expression against record_value_multiplier. This is to ensure that if it is empty or not relevant that it doesn't affect the calculation.