Cast & Crew Locations

When viewing the cast & crew pages in Daily Commute, you will notice that there is a column entitled Locations.

This column holds the information for the locations which are unique to that individual.

The icons in the column light up and become coloured when one of the three location types for that individual are changed from their default value.

Rest Location:

Default value: Home

The Rest Location is the location from which the individual starts each day. This is where they start from and (if not on an away shoot), return to. You are able to change this from Home to an alternatively location of the accommodation type in your Non-Shoot Locations.

Home is the location that the individual provided when they completed the onboarding form. If necessary, it can be adjustable on the Onboarding page.

Work Start:

Default value: Set or Unit Base

The Work Start location is useful if an individual starts work at a lockup, or another location. By defining this location here it will add a stop in between the Rest Location and the Day/Period Locations (as defined by each shoot day / period) both as they go to work and on the way back.

If they park at their Work Start location and carpool in a production vehicle from there, then remember to select Work start only as their Commute Route, as this will prevent the shoot locations being counted towards their travel.

Away Accommodation:

Default value: n/a

The Away Accommodation is exactly what it sounds like - the location where the person will be staying when on an away or overnight shoot. You are able to set this to any locations of the accommodation type in your Non-Shoot Locations. 

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