Proximal Commuting

You in your Production Details you have the option of including or excluding Proximal Commuting.

Proximal Commuting relates to any travel strictly between a Home location, and a non-home location (in other words, the start of a work day).

When you include Proximal Commuting, all travel between these location is included in your final emissions calculations.

If you choose to exclude Proximal Commuting, then any single trip between these locations is reduced by up to 25km. We have aligned this distance with the Blue Book zone radius, although it operates slightly differently in practice as sets the radius epicentre to the commuter's home. Total emissions excluded can be viewed on the Daily Commute - Commute Defaults - All Emission Results page as a sum-total of the excluded CO2e column when Proximal Commuting is set to be excluded.

As an example of exclusion: Tama travels 40km to work from home, then between work locations, and finally returns 10km home from the final location. Here Tama's first trip from home to work would be reduced to 15km (40 - 25), and his return trip would be reduced to 0km (10 - up to 25). Emissions would be counted for the 15km total between home and work locations, plus the travel between work locations.

We recommend always including Proximal Commuting, as it gives you the most accurate indication of emissions relating to your operations.

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